18 de enero de 2024

Thrombosed hemorrhoids is the presence of clots in the hemorrhoidal plexuses, located in the area of the anus.  They are considered an acute complication of hemorrhoidal disease, both internal and external, and may represent a surgical emergency. 

Learn more about this topic here and remember to see a specialist doctor if you experience symptoms of this condition. 


  • What is a thrombosed hemorrhoid?
  • Thrombosed hemorrhoids causes
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
  • When should can contact a doctor?
  • See a specialist in coloproctology?

What is a thrombosed hemorrhoid?

A thrombosed hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in the anal or rectal area that has developed a blood clot. This condition can cause severe pain, swelling, and discomfort. 

Thrombosed hemorrhoids can occur internally or externally and are often associated with symptoms like bleeding, itching, and irritation. Treatment for thrombosed hemorrhoids may include lifestyle changes, over-the-counter remedies, or medical procedures like rubber band ligation or surgical removal in severe cases. 

Hemorrhoids causes

The most common thrombosed hemorrhoids are the external ones, they can be seen as small lumps of purple coloration because the blood present lacks oxygen. However, they can also be presented internally, without being visible to the naked eye. 

This means that blood cannot circulate properly back to the heart. This causes the hemorrhoidal bearing to swell and the surrounding skin to present edema (fluid accumulation). 

You may get hemorrhoids because of increased pressure in the veins of the rectum. Some causes include: 

  • Irregular bowel movements. 
  • Pregnancy, from the force of the baby pressing on your veins or from pushing during delivery. 
  • Straining too hard when going to the toilet 
  • Diarrhea. 
  • Sitting for a long period of time, such as during a long car, train, or plane trip. 
  • There is a certain hereditary factor that makes you more likely to suffer from piles. 


The symptoms of thrombosed hemorrhoids can vary depending on the severity of the condition, but they often include: 

  • Pain and Discomfort: Thrombosed hemorrhoids can cause significant pain, especially during bowel movements or when sitting for prolonged periods.
  • Swelling and Lump: There may be a noticeable lump or swelling around the anus, which can be tender to the touch.
  • Bleeding: Thrombosed hemorrhoids may bleed, typically during bowel movements. The blood is usually bright red and may be seen on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
  • Itching and Irritation: The area around the anus may feel itchy or irritated, which can be uncomfortable.
  • Difficulty Sitting: Due to the pain and discomfort, sitting for extended periods can be challenging for individuals with thrombosed hemorrhoids.
  • Difficulty with Bowel Movements: Some people may experience difficulty with bowel movements due to the pain and swelling caused by thrombosed hemorrhoids.

If you suspect you have thrombosed hemorrhoids or are experiencing any of these symtoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment

How do I know if my hemorrhoid is thrombosed? 

Hemorrhoids are otherwise painless unless they are thrombosed, prolapsed, or strangulated, meaning their blood supply has been cut-off. Thus, significant pain in the perineal area, as well as feeling a painful lump near the anus can be signs of thrombosed hemorrhoids. 

It is very difficult to discover yourself if you have internal thrombosed hemorrhoids, as they occur inside the anal canal. However, you will be able to distinguish external hemorrhoids with a self-examination. Depending on the grade you are in, you will notice a larger or smaller lump. 

Being thrombosed, you’ll notice that it has a hard consistency. This is because there is a blood clot. Unlike simple hemorrhoids, thrombosed hemorrhoids cannot be inserted back into the sphincter, either manually with the finger or by itself, due to the small thrombus.

Risks and emergencys

Although bleeding when evacuating is a warning sign, very few people come to see when they experience it. This causes them to seek medical help when symptoms are already very evident and painful, such as: bleeding, acute pain, presence of dark blood, clots or mucus.   

Although it is difficult for a hemorrhoid with thrombosis to put a person’s life at risk, the symptoms mentioned, added to the fever, can be a sign of an abscess with infection, which is already a serious proctological emergency. For that reason, it is highly recommended to go to a specialist doctor for the first signs of hemorrhoidal disease. 

Treatment for thrombosed hemorrhoids

At Instituto Medico Langle we have the most advanced technology in advanced laser hemorrhoictomy, which is a minimally invasive method for the elimination of hemorrhoids, even if they present thrombosis. This treatment is unique in Mexico and does not require hospitalization. 

Currently there are new minimally invasive methods to eliminate hemorrhoids that do not need a traditional incision, so it produces less post-operative discomfort.  The Halt© Method (advanced laser hemorrhoictomy) uses laser technology to remove the portion of tissue affected by hemorrhoids. 

This type of surgery lasts approximately 30 minutes and can be used to definitively eliminate cases of thrombosed hemorrhoids. Thanks to the concentrated use of laser, it does not damage more skin or surrounding tissue, so recovery is much faster. 

Ask for more information if you think you can be a candidate for this procedure. 

When should I contact a doctor? 

It is advisable to go for a proctological appointment if you suspect that you have a rectal disease such as hemorrhoids to obtain a proper diagnosis an recive the appropriate treatment

Don’t wait until your symptoms get worse to treat your condition. 

Thrombosed hemorrhoids treatment

See a specialist in coloproctoloy 

Instituto Medico Langle is a clinic specialized in treating anorectal conditions, such as: anal fissures, anal abscesses, hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, among others. 

We are located in Monterrey, Mexico, schedule your appointment with us to get rid of your condition, our proctologists can help you eliminate your condition without any pain, at the Langle Medical Institute you walk in and out. 



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