Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:00 am - 1:00 pm.
At Langle Medical Institute, we are pioneers of the use of advanced procedures that offer an effective and non-invasive solution to varicose vein problems.
In the clinic, we use a methodology that combines different advanced techniques that involve high technology, to give the patient excellent results at a functional, and aesthetic level, and to provide them with an exceptional experience during their treatment.
Applications consist primarily of solution blending (foam-based),
Ideal to dismiss small and medium "spiders" (telangiectasia) and varicose veins on the skin.
This methodology is optimal for removing large and advanced varicose veins. We use a millimetric optical fiber that discharges laser technology to eliminate the varicose veins. Compared to conventional surgery, this methodology does not leave the patient with scars. In addition, general or epidural anesthesia is not required, allowing our patients to walk in and out the same day, with an excellent recovery after the procedure.
We are a specialized Varicose Vein Clinic in Monterrey that gives the best care and service to our patients. In addition, we are specialists in the prevention and treatment of chronic venous insufficiency.
Veins are blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart. The heart valves are the ones responsible to provide force to the veins to carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. When veins lose their strength, blood begins to flow more slowly, causing their congestion and subsequently the appearance of varicose veins.
They are small superficial veins (the size of a pin) that draw a branched path of bright red or violet color in the skin when dilated. They generally appear due to genetic factors, conditions that alter hormone levels (such as pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, or menopause), sudden trauma, or leading a sedentary life.
Most of the time, patients do not present symptoms, but when they do, symptoms are the following:
Although in the majority of the cases are asymptomatic, we remove them because they give an unaesthetic appearance.
In the clinic, we use procedures such as:
Reticular Veins are dilated veins under the skin, usually colored green and blue, measuring 1 to 3 mm, larger and less superficial than telangiectasias. Initially, they are flat veins, but since blood does not circulate, they gradually bulge.
The patient may or may not have discomfort, but if they do, they may be the following:
We offer different treatments; however, the doctor determines which the most appropriate for each case is.
Truncal varicose veins consist of abnormal dilation (greater than 4 mm) of the saphenous vein, one of the main veins of the legs, and/or its extensions. They are usually green, blue, or purple, and sometimes they can be easily felt.
Perforating blood vessels are those that connect the superficial venous system with the deep venous system, in such a way that they intersect the muscles.
If your heart valves do not close completely, that condition generates an insufficiency in the return of venous blood, which can be the main cause of venous leg ulcers. This condition can only be diagnosed by ultrasound.
This is the most frequent problem of varicose veins and it occurs in its most advanced stage. It is caused by the weakness of the venous walls and it is associated with prolonged inflammation, especially in the ankle area. Before it emerges, the skin can turn dark, pale, and/or stiff. Subsequently, the ulcer causes skin loss in the affected area and it promotes high humidity that can develop local infections.
In consultation, the root of the patient’s problem is detected, and through our specialized equipment, the affected area is treated. In the clinic we use:
It is a serious problem caused by bleeding or rupture of a varicose vein.
This complication affects people who have had varicose veins for many years. It occurs when the wall of the varicose vein is thin and close to the skin, in the lower third of the legs. Bleeding can be spontaneous or caused by a blow or cut in the wall of the vein.
It occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more deep veins of the body, usually in the leg area. If the clot stimulates inflammation of a vein close to the skin, you have a condition known as superficial thrombophlebitis. It occurs spontaneously and it can be common in people whose wounds take longer to heal. However, it can also appear in sedentary people (as in the case of patients who have to rest for a long time in bed).
Patients suffer from sudden pain, accompanied by redness and hardening in the affected area
To avoid complications it is urgent to treat the patient.
The affected area is revised and the doctor seeks to control the pain, evolution, migration, and growth of the venous clot (treatment is needed to prevent the formation of additional clots and to eliminate the current one).
It is a combination of different techniques. It mainly includes a foam-based solution that comes into contact with the affected varicose vein for excellent functional and aesthetic results.
It is a laser light that is applied to the skin, which detects varicose veins and achieves an excellent result. It is Non-invasive, and it avoids injecting the patient, and using bandages.
This treatment is based on small bursts of light in small doses, causing a thermal reaction to achieve the expected result.
Combination of HD Doppler Ultrasound with foam applications (foam). Ultrasound allows us to have a better vision in veins that are located in deeper places, and to apply the treatment under the skin in real-time.
At an ankle level, an optical fiber the size of a hair is introduced through a millimeter incision (1 - 2 mm), which emits laser technology, travels into the vein, and causes a collapse of the walls of the veins, closing them permanently. In this way, we get the body to eliminate them naturally. The patient can walk home approximately 3 hours after treatment.
A minimally invasive procedure that does not require sutures. It is used to remove small varicose veins and it can be accompanied by laser management to maximize results.
A thorough assessment is carried out with a series of specific questions to find the patient’s main problem.
The doctor examines the patient and uses state-of-the-art technology for having greater detail in the diagnosis, relying on an HD Doppler Ultrasound and venous transillumination with multiple LEDs.
With the results of the assessment and physical examination, the doctor can offer specific and personalized treatment for each patient. Each person is different, so they require a unique treatment.
There are several reasons for varicose veins to appear, but the most common one is genetics (hereditary), and it can affect both men and women. If one of your parents has varicose veins, it is more likely that you will suffer from them in the future.
The second most common factor, and by which women get more affected, is hormonal changes from puberty, pregnancy, menopause, contraceptives, or hormone replacement therapy. However, the one that affects the most is pregnancy, since the greater the number of pregnancies is, the greater the probability that the woman can get varicose veins is.
Another related factor is having a sedentary life.
Being overweight and lack of exercise are also related; therefore, it is widely recommended to have an excellent diet and exercise regularly.
In none of our treatments, total rest is required. All of our patients are asked to go about their daily lives. However, in some treatments, partial rest may be suggested, with regular physical activity (walking, standing, and lying down), but without exercising or activities that require a lot of strength, for the body to recover.
None of our treatments are disabling. Some of our patients already come with complications that disable them, as in the case when they present ulcers, thrombosis, or varicose veins. In those cases, we have a shorter recovery time than the one in traditional procedures.
Our treatments are personalized. Each person is different. Therefore, they require a tailored treatment. Patients must attend an assessment so that the specialist doctor can stipulate the correct treatment, and/or the number of sessions.
Nuestros tratamientos son personalizados. Cada persona es diferente y por lo tanto requiere un tratamiento a la medida. Los pacientes deben acudir a una valoración para que el médico especialista pueda indicar el tratamiento correcto, y/o la cantidad de sesiones.
— Várices Grado II
Mujer 40 años
“En mi trabajo estaba mucho tiempo de pie y no entendía por qué mis piernas me dolían tanto, además, mis tobillos se hinchaban, especialmente por la noche. Después de mis terapias con el Venofoam® de IML, la salud de mis piernas es completamente otra. Ya no siento esos horribles dolores.”
— Várices Grado III
Mujer 40 años
“Tengo una hija que desde el comienzo de su adolescencia, comenzó a sentir sus piernas muy pesadas, en ciertas ocasiones con dolores intensos y calambres; le salían arañitas en las venas de sus piernas. Una amiga nos recomendó visitar a IML para que nos ayudarán, se le aplicaron terapias con Venofoam® y gracias a eso se le quito el dolor y se le desaparecieron las arañitas en las piernas. Quedamos muy satisfechas con el resultado.”
— Várices Grado I
Mujer 40 años
At Langle Medical Institute, colonoscopy is a painless, minimally invasive, outpatient procedure.
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Varicose veins Monterrey
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